Required Information To Build Your Online Profile
To make the most of the interview and the effort to promote your startup or service, we will need to receive more detailed information from you.
Please note that if we don’t receive the information before the interview, we will not proceed further. Based on our experience so far, we have to request this information beforehand to make sure you and StartupBrite will fully benefit from this effort.
Here is what we need to build your online profile:
- 1200-1500 words describing your startup or service. We are not going to restrict the max length, the longer the description the better. Use keywords too, so Google finds you for the right reasons. Make sure this is NOT a copy-paste from your website, or both – your own website and StartupBrite – will be penalized by Google
- The latest version of your Pitch deck. Please make it a PDF file. If it is a PowerPoint file, just export it as a PDF
- Headshot images of your team members. Please send us nice pictures of the founder(s), team members, advisors. Make sure the images are of good quality and the same size
- Short bio of your team members. Make sure the bios of your team members shows their credibility as well as how they are involved in building your startup. If you don’t have a team or don’t want to share your team details for any reason, that is fine too. But remember that investors are interested in teams
- Links to your website or anything else you want us to link to, related to your startup of course
Please send the description and your team images/bios as a Word document to, or share an online Google doc.
Your Online Profile
Your online profile will have:
- Video Interview Post (+YouTube channel)
- Podcast (iTunes and other outlets) *(in the works)
- Company Details
- Your Team Short Bios + Headshots
- Pitch deck
- Any additional resources you want to see on your profile, like links, demo videos, etc.
We encourage you to watch existing interviews on our website and see examples of profiles. We post once a week, every Tuesday morning.
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