3 Money Raising Secrets
During our conversations with investors and startup founders, who have been through the fundraising process, we seem to find three common rules that can help you succeed in this process.
During our conversations with investors and startup founders, who have been through the fundraising process, we seem to find three common rules that can help you succeed in this process.
Whole Product Concept The Whole Product Concept introduces an innovative perspective on devising your customer proposition. Theodore Levitt and Regis McKenna initially put forward this model. However, it received widespread acclaim as a substitute perspective when Geoffrey Moore outlined it in his book “Crossing the Chasm”. Indeed, there are variances Read more…
Make it Has A Fresh New Approach In Selecting Ideas As Investment Opportunities Meet Make it The Executive Summary As investors, we might require the startups to bootstrap their MVP or generate customer traction before we can invest. Though the risk remains high and we need extended due diligence to Read more…
MVP and the misconceptions about what it means Serving as a technical advisor is an ever-changing job. In this capacity, I often find myself at pitching sessions organized by KodoStartups, where a multitude of startups are competing for the chance to share their nascent ideas with possible investors. Typically, these functions Read more…