Pozbee online platform promises to offer customers ability to book photographers instantly or on schedule
Meet Pozbee
Pozbee is an on-demand photographer hiring app, like Uber for photography. It connects skilled photographers with client real-time and anytime.
In 2017, 1.2 Trillion digital photos were taken in the world. 1 trillion of these was taken by smartphones and 125 billion of these was taken by digital cameras.
At the same time, Instagram marketing is booming. Social media influencers, especially those on Instagram, earn a significant amount of money from sponsors. $10 billion is projected to be spent on influencers by 2020.
Professional photography is the key to these influencers’ success since what they are selling is the ability to engage and impress followers. Professional photography also makes you and your brand look professional. When you look professional you get better business deals and make more money.
There are also 40.84 million people who practiced photography within the last 12 months in the United States, meaning 40 million cameras potentially ready to be hired.
However, people are having a hard time to find a photographer conveniently today.
1. Professional photographers are usually expensive since they charge extra per hour to cover their business expenses (marketing, billing, administration, etc..)
2. It is very difficult to hire a professional photographer instantly or last minute. You need to book them in advance.
3. Photo delivery usually takes too long (sometimes like weeks)
4. Quality. Smartphones recently have good cameras but most smartphone users don’t know how to take a great picture. High-quality photos need to be taken with correct lighting, right angle, good composition and be well-edited as well.
Pozbee creates an online platform connecting skilled photographers with people who want to have high quality and aesthetic photos. A typical Pozbee photo creates high engagement with social media audiences and helps to boost online presence. Pozbee doesn’t only sell high quality and beautiful photos but also gives a unique photoshoot experience to the users to make feel them special, including the sense of working with creative and cool photographers, fast delivery time.
Pozbee offers 2 ways of booking photographers: instant booking and scheduled booking. Instant booking is based on quick and simple (1-hour max.) shoot focused on lifestyle and social media photography only. Once users set location and request a shoot, Pozbee instantly matches them with an online nearby photographer. Photographers arrive in less than 10 mins, take professional photos and deliver those beautiful photos real quick. Per photo, pricing is available for instant booking which makes it more affordable. It means that if you want to buy only one edited photo, it costs as low as $25 in a 30 mins photoshoot. If you want to buy more photo, it goes like 3 photos for $50, 5 photos for $75 and 10 photos for $125. This smart pricing also gives photographers an opportunity to earn $125 in a 1-hour photoshoot session. Moreover, photographers can finally have a steady income in the long term thanks to Pozbee.
Scheduled booking is a traditional way of booking a photographer on a specific date and time for any type of photography such as portrait, headshot, event, real estate, product shoot, fashion, etc. Photographers set their own hourly rates for each type of photography. Once users set date, location and photography type, all the available photographers are listed. Then users select the best option based on portfolio, reviews, and price. Payment is processed through the app securely. Photographers’ and users’ rights are protected by the terms of use.
Today, there are several ways to hire a photographer. First one is the most traditional way: you just google it. Google is a #1 search engine; nevertheless, it is so broad. When it comes to searching for a photographer, you are lost. This is just like looking for a specific fish in the ocean. Finding all the photographers and compare them takes too much time.
Secondly, there are a couple of websites you can book a photographer such as Craigslist or Thumbtack. Craigslist is known as one of the oldest platforms to find a cheap photographer however they might be either flakey or might not answer. Thumbtack is a big online service platform, nonetheless, they have a limited number of photographers since their focus is not photography. Plus, either you must book them in advance or they are expensive.
There are a couple of direct competitors. For instance, Photosesh, Snappr, and Shootly are the main competitors, they are all small startups though.
As an alternative, smartphone cameras have ultimately the same function but in a different form. Even though smartphone cameras are getting better recently, it is the most important who is taking the photo. Majority of smartphone users don’t know how to manage with lighting, angle, composition while taking a photo and photo editing afterward.
Pozbee has a blue ocean strategy to enter the photography market. Instant booking strategy targets to capture the market share of 1 trillion photos taken by smartphone cameras, while scheduled booking strategy targets to take over the market share of 125 billion photos taken by digital cameras. Therefore, Pozbee doesn’t define its competitors as photographer hiring companies. Pozbee focuses on competing with smartphones cameras which people use to take photos every day. So Pozbee shifts its strategic focus from competitors to alternatives and from customers to non-customers. As a result, Pozbee makes the competition irrelevant by creating a leap in value (much higher quality of photos*) for buyers, so opens up a new and uncontested market space.
*Pozbee creates way better photos than smartphones because a typical Pozbee photographer knows how to manage with the lighting, angle, composition, and photo editing. When all these components get together, it makes a huge difference in how a photo looks like.
Instant mobile booking. No need to book a photographer for 2 month in advance. Even last-minute shoots are possible with Pozbee.
Affordable. It is affordable but being affordable doesn’t make Pozbee shots low quality. Pozbee eliminates marketing and business expenses for photographers so photographers can charge much less per hour for the same excellent work.
Top Quality. A typical Pozbee photo creates high engagement becausePozbee photographers know how to manage with the lighting, angle, composition and photo editing. When all these components get together, it makes a huge difference in how a photo looks like.
Certified Photographers. All Pozbee photographers are selected based on their equipment, experience, and portfolio, so above a certain standard. They know how to manage with lighting, angle, composition and photo editing.
Fast delivery. Pozbee can deliver edited photos after a photoshoot in as low as 2 hours
Photographers incentives. Pozbee offers many perks to photographers such as extra bonus, free online training to encourage them to earn more and improve themselves.
Pozbee takes 20% service fee on each booking(%10 from photographers, %10 from clients).
Pozbee is not in the app store yet, but almost 250 photographers signed up, 1000 potential users waiting for the launch date. So, stay tuned!
Pozbee pitch deck
This is Pozbee’s latest pitch deck. For investors – please feel free to download it and review the company.
This pitch deck is here for other founders so they can learn and improve their own presentations.
Meet the team building Pozbee

Founder / CEO
Çağdaş Ocak is the founder and owner of Pozbee app. He had a bachelor’s degree of Telecommunication Eng. from Istanbul Technical University. He worked as a software test engineer at Huawei for 2 years.
He started 3 businesses in the past. He produced an electronic nose to give a better air quality to humanity, he created a unique Pub Crawl concept to make the way travelers explore the nightlife more fun. He made it the most visited Pub Crawl in Turkey. Now, he is developing a photographer hiring app to help everyone to have the most beautiful photos in their lives. Çağdaş has a strong sense of innovation. He is the person who adds value to something that people pay for a better experience. While doing so his ultimate goal is to create a huge positive impact on people’s daily lives. Because he believes a better world is always possible.
Since Çağdaş had already 3 startups, he has significant experience on how to start a business from scratch. He combines his management skills with his technical knowledge. He designs the whole concept and every single page on the app. He focuses on analyzing the market, creating a target persona, and coming up with a blue ocean strategy. At the same time, he regularly gets feedback from the photographers and potential customers to make the whole photoshoot process very smooth. He thinks a lot about how to attract more users and photographers. He develops the marketing plan and does financial analysis as well.

iOS Developer
Mert Serin is an IOS developer. He graduated from computer engineering of Hacettepe University, Turkey. He has 4 years of experience in development. He currently works as a contractor at Pozbee and reports directly to the CEO. He worked as a full-stack developer for an Atlanta based startup company called Usit in the past.

Backend Developer
Mehmet Kaya is a backend developer. He graduated from Hacettepe University computer science and engineering department as a high honor student. He started coding as a kid and he learned many different programming languages since then. He is now a full-stack developer yet he is working on backend development intensively for the last 3-4 years. He also developed side projects in the fields of image processing.
Learn more about Pozbee
Please visit Pozbee website to learn more about the company. Hire a photographer! Or if you are a photographer, join the network.