Challenges When Raising Funds
Raising capital for startups is usually thought to occur through equity or diluted funding, which involves sacrificing a stake of your business in exchange for financial assistance. Conversely, non-diluted funding allows access to necessary funds without relinquishing any business ownership. For instance, diluted funding frequently comes from angel investors, whereas non-diluted funding typically arises from sources such as bank loans.
One major obstacle in the quest for startup funding is the considerable duration involved. It’s common for entrepreneurs to wish the time spent in obtaining capital could have been used more productively in advancing their product, or broadening the customer base.
Securing an investor for your startup is far from easy. You often find yourself in a situation where cash and tangible numbers are on one side, while vague commitments are on the other. Your job is to convince the investor to bridge this disparity, assuring them that the projected returns make backing your venture a worthwhile risk.
Although investment amounts can vary widely from a few thousands to millions, what remains equally significant is defining the timeline and level of involvement the investor is expected to have. Such elements are vital for an investor’s evaluation.
Preserving cash flow while seeking external financing is a necessity for any startup. The worst-case scenario would be reaching your financial limit while negotiating for extra funding. In these situations, you risk losing more ownership than necessary out of desperation to secure funding before your resources are depleted. The best time to commence the next round of funding is usually soon after the conclusion of the existing one.
As the startup scene has progressed, specific terminologies relating to the various phases of startup growth and funding events have come into use. These help to express more clearly the current state of a startup. Let’s explore the different stages of a startup’s evolution and their corresponding funding situations.
Pre-Seed Funding
The pre-seeding phase, as suggested by its title, is likely the initial financing step in a startup’s progression. The firm may not even have been formally established at this point or considered prepared for investment, and many dismiss this as a mere fraction of the broader journey to secure startup funding.
Financial assistance at this pre-seeding stage often arises from contacts or family members, the startup’s own founders, and occasionally, a scalar investor or a business incubator might make a contribution.
The workforce at this point is commonly minimal, usually comprised of the essential team that birthed the original concept and is propelling the startup mainly with dedication and zeal. Their goal is to fashion a prototype or maybe a stripped-down prompt solution that will act as the evidence-of-concept framework. This premier product or service plays a crucial part in urging the team and the startup towards the next investment stage.
Seed Funding
The term “seed funding” is quite telling of its purpose — it’s the introductory round of capital a startup secures to kick off its journey.
The capital raised during this stage is generally put to use in establishing the startup’s initial foothold in the business environment; it’s typically invested in perfecting the product or service proposition, speeding up product development, and carrying out market research.
Seed funding usually comes from a variety of sources including friends and family, individual angel investors, incubators, venture capitalists searching for promising new enterprises, or other startups that have already secured funding and see value in your product or service. Of all these, an angel investor is often the most recurrent investor at this juncture.
There are instances when seed funding is all a startup needs to hit the ground running. It’s not uncommon to have a situation where the perfect product is launched at the right time for the ideal market, and there is no need for additional capital to expand your operations. In such cases, seed funding suffices.
Estimation: As an entrepreneur, you can expect seed funding to range between $500,000 to $2 million. The exact figure hinges on various conditions such as the product, industry, the company’s operating location, and progress achieved in product development. The company’s valuation typically settles between $3 million to $6 million.
The aforementioned details about the capital procured and the company’s valuation offer a good sense of the equity share you would need to cede. Securing funding in exchange for a 20-40% stake in the company is a usual occurrence at this stage of a startup.
Series A Funding
The seed funding stage should ideally help in building some momentum for the startup. This could be reflected in an uptick in user engagement or revenue, increased website traffic, page views, etc., depending on the nature of your startup.
Series A funding is the subsequent stage, marking a turning point when the startup needs to operate as a formal business entity. At this stage, designing and assessing a strong business model becomes necessary. The effectiveness of this model is tested with the advent of revenues. Series A funding aims to lead the company to a phase where significant cash flow is achieved.
Averages: In a typical Series A funding round, businesses may secure a financial backing varying from $2 million to $15 million. This range is primarily influenced by the company’s readiness to scale after their seed round. The projected company’s worth is typically estimated to be between $10 million and $15 million. An important part of this funding stage is determining the proportion of equity that needs to be offered in exchange for Series A investment.
The role of angel investors is particularly critical at this stage where they continue to bring financial support either as individuals or through angel funds. This is the point when start-ups are also expected to initiate interactions with venture capital firms.
The transition from a framework driven by individual investors towards securing a backing from venture capital enterprises can pose substantial challenges for many startups. A different skill set is required to pitch to these investment firms, which could potentially act as a stumbling block for many entrepreneurs. It is noteworthy that over half of the startups that have secured seed funding find it difficult to succeed in raising Series A investment.
Series B Funding
The objective of Series B funding is to promote and facilitate the company’s growth. This assumes that the startup has validated a product/market fit, has created a sustainable business model, has a clear understanding of its Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) as well as other Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The underlying concept here is to be in a position to prophetically determine the return-on-investment for each dollar plugged into the business activities. This becomes pivotal when a startup stands at the brink of expansion.
As a startup advances, the core team that played a crucial role during its formative phase may not be equipped enough to manage affairs after Series B funding. The focus now pivots towards increasing the customer base, maximizing revenue, and refining business operations. This, in turn, leads to a shift in staffing requirements and profiles, with a greater emphasis on hiring specialists skilled at their specific roles. Here, the culture of multitasking, characteristic of early-stage startups, ceases to be of much importance.
Averages: On average, Series B funding generally varies according to the specific needs of a company, typically within the $7 million to $10 million range, although occasionally higher. In hindsight, the company valuation at this juncture is anticipated between the $30 million and $60 million mark.
Venture capital firms often identify Series B funding as late-stage investments. This stage is favored for its relative safety owing to resolved ambiguities associated with the business model, customer demographics, and the product/market fit. At this stage, the startup is ripe for sales growth and principally needs added financial support.
Series C Funding
A shift to Series C funding symbolizes flourishing startups that have garnered a solid market footprint and steady revenue streams. The main purpose of this funding round is to help startups expand into new markets, locally and globally, diversify by creating additional services or products, and potentially acquire other businesses for their customer base or advanced technologies.
International expansion could be one of the motivations behind Series C funding, as can the need to align the company for an Initial Public Offering (IPO) or enhance its valuation ahead of a purchase.
Although Series C is commonly considered the final funding round, it’s worth mentioning that some companies opt for additional rounds of funding beyond this stage.
Averages: Arriving at an accurate number for Series C funding can prove to be quite a task. Yet, trusted resources such as infer that the common amount typically stands around $26 million. In regards to the impact of Series C funding on valuation, it normally propels the company to cross the $100 million benchmark. A modern development in the present financial landscape is the emergence of ‘unicorn’ organizations—those startups that boast a valuation exceeding a billion dollars.
Series C funding is commonly recognized as a later stage investment, predominantly engaging venture capital firms.
Understanding Your Funding Needs
Understanding the connotations of investor terms and the language common in venture capital circles is of utmost importance. Founders who wish to communicate effectively with prospective investors should sharpen their command over related financial terms.
Having a firm grasp on industry normatives regarding funding size, corporate valuation, and equity distribution can offer budding entrepreneurs useful points of reference. These critical figures are key in effectively negotiating with investors at different phases of startup growth.
Importantly, striking a deal with an investor is about more than just securing their monetary backing. It’s about taping into their investor values, business insight, and worldview. That’s why a thorough assessment of potential investors entails more than just the purse strings they control. The ideal investor-founder pairing extends beyond finances and is defined by a shared blueprint for commercial expansion.