Healora Helps You Save Up To 70% On Healthcare Procedures
Meet Healora
Healora helps employers and patients save up to 70% on outpatient healthcare procedure costs by eliminating the administrative middle layers.
Physicians name their DirectPay price so they know exactly what they will be paid. Employers and patients know what they are going to pay.
Healora is a Direct Pay network that lets physicians make a soft transition to cash without violating their other contracts.
Healora’s patented SaaS platform saves employers $1 million per year on outpatient medical procedures.
Physicians are paid their full fees. Employers and patients save 50-70%. Everyone wins except the insurance, coding and billing companies.
Healora’s transaction-based revenue averages $500 per procedure.
Healora has over 100 doctors registered and a dozen surgery centers. We are raising funds to complete marketing in our LA-based pilot.
Healora pitch deck
Meet the team building Healora

Thomas Farmer
• Successfully owned, managed and exited multiple businesses
• Financial sales background

Parshant Jain
• 15 years tech consulting with Fortune 500 firms
• Co-founded and exited telemedicine company
• FoundedA.I. application for email and chatbot
• MBA, MD (India)

Julian Hemley
M.D Co-Founder
• Double board certified surgeon
• Yale, clinical staff
• MIT, engineering
• Harvard, physics/mathematics
• Healthcare startup
Learn more about Healora
Website: www.healora.com
Twitter: @Healora
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/thomasafarmer
HealthTalks Blog: https://www.healora.com/healthtalks
HealthTalks Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/health-talks/
Youtube – Q&A w/CEO: http://bit.ly/Q_and_A_with_CEO
Youtube – What Is Healora? http://bit.ly/What-Is-Healora
Instagram: www.instagram/Healora_directpay